in pursuance of of the adoption of recommendation of justice verma commission on teacher education by the university as per final plan of action approved by the hon'ble supreme court of india. it is notified for the information of all candidates who have applied or are desirous to apply for Adimission to B.ed/B.Ped and M.Ed programmes through university departments or Government/Private Colleges, that the duration of the aforementioned courses from the current academic session (2015-2016) shall be of two years. Others modalities regarding intake capacity, fee structure, syllabi etc for the courses shall be notified separately.
This is issused in supersession of the notification Nos. F(PG Admission-15)/DAA / KU/15, no.F(B.Ed-PG-DOE)CDC/KU/15 and No.F(B.Ed.Pvt Admissions-15)CDC/KU/2015 dated 02-05-2015,12-05-2015 and 01-07-2015,respectively.
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Dean College Development Council Dean Academic Affairs